The cause of the early gray hairs may be deficiency in tyrosine. It is found in beans, nuts, avocados, bananas, dairy products (especially goat's milk), pumpkin and sesame seeds. In the early gray hair should have a lot of apples and drink apple juice. In addition to the menu should include nuts, liver and parsley. It is useful to eat boiled rice with the addition of sesame seeds (2-1). Eat green beans, it contains a lot of the cobalt, which contributes to the darkening of the hair.
Gray hair can be normal or tint, using a commercially available basma and henna. After staining henna hair colors are obtained from golden to reddish, and if you add coffee (4 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water), then get a reddish-brown color, while if chamomile (0.5 teaspoons to 1 cup boiling water), a bright golden.
After a hair coloring only decoction of chamomile color will be golden, but after staining with onion peel - reddish. Decoction of tea (3 tablespoons to 1 cup boiling water) gives a brown color, berries, blackberries - a reddish-brown, green rind decoction or tincture of walnuts on alcohol - chestnut. If you insist on vodka roots and leaves of rhubarb they will brown tint, and a decoction of leaves and twigs of lime - brown.
5 pods of red hot pepper to insist in 0.5 liters of vodka 3 weeks in a dark place and rub 2 times a week.
Gray hair can be normal or tint, using a commercially available basma and henna. After staining henna hair colors are obtained from golden to reddish, and if you add coffee (4 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water), then get a reddish-brown color, while if chamomile (0.5 teaspoons to 1 cup boiling water), a bright golden.
After a hair coloring only decoction of chamomile color will be golden, but after staining with onion peel - reddish. Decoction of tea (3 tablespoons to 1 cup boiling water) gives a brown color, berries, blackberries - a reddish-brown, green rind decoction or tincture of walnuts on alcohol - chestnut. If you insist on vodka roots and leaves of rhubarb they will brown tint, and a decoction of leaves and twigs of lime - brown.
5 pods of red hot pepper to insist in 0.5 liters of vodka 3 weeks in a dark place and rub 2 times a week.
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