The quality of makeup depends not only on your makeup - Counterfeit drugs can cause allergies, the emergence of strong irritation and inflammation. The market of cosmetic products are so diverse that the ability to distinguish the fake from the original useful for every woman.
If you want to buy something from a caring and decorative cosmetics, do so only in specialty stores and boutiques - to acquire the habit of mascara or lipstick on the stalls or kiosks can cost you health. When purchasing goods from the seller's doubtful you can always request certificates of quality and compliance. Clearance of goods in the shops even require compliance with certain regulations - all tubes, boxes and bottles should be placed in groups, brands, or other purposes. If the goods are dumped in a heap and all means are mixed, it is best to refrain from buying - solid distributors manufacturers do not allow themselves to such an arbitrary window dressing. In larger stores, you can always see the special booths with product samples. Here you can appreciate the color, texture tools, experiment with makeup, etc. The presence of firm evidence stands close cooperation with the official distributor of cosmetics.
Pay attention to the price - quality cosmetics from reputable manufacturer will cost you dearly. Buy discount cosmetics you during the sales or buying it from an online store.
Carefully inspect the packaging - a good makeup is always packed in paper box, sometimes covered with plastic wrap. The text on the box should be carefully stamped, no grammatical errors should not be. Self-made products can be identified by the appearance of the box - if the letters are blurry, the title changed, one or more letters, no information about the manufacturer and expiration date, then such makeup is better not to buy.
Try to remember barcodes major cosmetics producer countries - Germany, France, Israel, etc. Be sure to check for the code at the bottom of the tube party. If these numbers are printed on a printer, the products are fake.
If possible, the smell cosmetics - high-quality tools have a certain smell or brand does not smell at all. Check the texture of the drug - powder or blush, for example, should go smoothly, with no lumps.
If you want to buy something from a caring and decorative cosmetics, do so only in specialty stores and boutiques - to acquire the habit of mascara or lipstick on the stalls or kiosks can cost you health. When purchasing goods from the seller's doubtful you can always request certificates of quality and compliance. Clearance of goods in the shops even require compliance with certain regulations - all tubes, boxes and bottles should be placed in groups, brands, or other purposes. If the goods are dumped in a heap and all means are mixed, it is best to refrain from buying - solid distributors manufacturers do not allow themselves to such an arbitrary window dressing. In larger stores, you can always see the special booths with product samples. Here you can appreciate the color, texture tools, experiment with makeup, etc. The presence of firm evidence stands close cooperation with the official distributor of cosmetics.
Pay attention to the price - quality cosmetics from reputable manufacturer will cost you dearly. Buy discount cosmetics you during the sales or buying it from an online store.
Carefully inspect the packaging - a good makeup is always packed in paper box, sometimes covered with plastic wrap. The text on the box should be carefully stamped, no grammatical errors should not be. Self-made products can be identified by the appearance of the box - if the letters are blurry, the title changed, one or more letters, no information about the manufacturer and expiration date, then such makeup is better not to buy.
Try to remember barcodes major cosmetics producer countries - Germany, France, Israel, etc. Be sure to check for the code at the bottom of the tube party. If these numbers are printed on a printer, the products are fake.
If possible, the smell cosmetics - high-quality tools have a certain smell or brand does not smell at all. Check the texture of the drug - powder or blush, for example, should go smoothly, with no lumps.
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