Not all of the fair sex can boast a perfect cut Eyes: Many women are dissatisfied with their size or shape. Adjust the shape of the eyes or make them more visually with the help of make-up is not so difficult if you know some tricks.
If you want to visually enlarge the eyes horizontally, that is to lengthen them, carefully stained lashes at the outer corners of eyes, using a lengthening mascara. After it dries the lashes combed special brush at an angle toward the outer edge of the eyebrow. Will stand in good stead, and false eyelashes: they need to be glued on the upper eyelid, just at the outer corners of eyes.
To his eyes seemed larger, you must also comply with one rule: the inner part of them need to emphasize the bright tone exterior - dark. Illuminate the inner corners of the eyelids with pearly shades and underline by using external prolong the "arrows", which should not be held close to the lash line. They need to be a little rubbed, so they were not too clear. Do not completely trace the pencil eyes with clear boundaries, they will seem less. It should not be too sum eyebrows nose, it is better to emphasize them in the temples.
To make your eyes visually more vertical, that is more "open", makeup artists, on the contrary, it is advised to emphasize with the dark shadow the inner corner of eye and upper eyelid so as to obtain a kind of "triangle" with the apex directed towards the eyebrows. The boundaries should be carefully shading shade. The effect is strengthened if to make curved eyebrows, raising them at the same time as high as possible. Another way to make your eyes more - slightly darken the crease of the upper eyelid, leaving the lids themselves nenakrashennymi or set off their bright shades of powder or natural shades. This technique is not recommended for use with deep-set eyes.
Visually "open" view and applying to the region of shadows under the eyebrows natural light tones in conjunction with the lengthening, but not too "heavy" and thick mascara. It should be painted eyelashes only on the upper eyelid, and the bottom should be emphasized light, can be pearl, with a pencil. The effect will be even more pronounced if the lashes on the upper eyelid to curl with the help of tweezers.
Makeup, which aims - increasing the cut eye makeup does not recommend the use of colored ink, but only a black or dark gray. Pencil eyeliner is, or, on the contrary, it is better not take black and other colors such as navy blue, beige or brown.
If you want to visually enlarge the eyes horizontally, that is to lengthen them, carefully stained lashes at the outer corners of eyes, using a lengthening mascara. After it dries the lashes combed special brush at an angle toward the outer edge of the eyebrow. Will stand in good stead, and false eyelashes: they need to be glued on the upper eyelid, just at the outer corners of eyes.
To his eyes seemed larger, you must also comply with one rule: the inner part of them need to emphasize the bright tone exterior - dark. Illuminate the inner corners of the eyelids with pearly shades and underline by using external prolong the "arrows", which should not be held close to the lash line. They need to be a little rubbed, so they were not too clear. Do not completely trace the pencil eyes with clear boundaries, they will seem less. It should not be too sum eyebrows nose, it is better to emphasize them in the temples.
To make your eyes visually more vertical, that is more "open", makeup artists, on the contrary, it is advised to emphasize with the dark shadow the inner corner of eye and upper eyelid so as to obtain a kind of "triangle" with the apex directed towards the eyebrows. The boundaries should be carefully shading shade. The effect is strengthened if to make curved eyebrows, raising them at the same time as high as possible. Another way to make your eyes more - slightly darken the crease of the upper eyelid, leaving the lids themselves nenakrashennymi or set off their bright shades of powder or natural shades. This technique is not recommended for use with deep-set eyes.
Visually "open" view and applying to the region of shadows under the eyebrows natural light tones in conjunction with the lengthening, but not too "heavy" and thick mascara. It should be painted eyelashes only on the upper eyelid, and the bottom should be emphasized light, can be pearl, with a pencil. The effect will be even more pronounced if the lashes on the upper eyelid to curl with the help of tweezers.
Makeup, which aims - increasing the cut eye makeup does not recommend the use of colored ink, but only a black or dark gray. Pencil eyeliner is, or, on the contrary, it is better not take black and other colors such as navy blue, beige or brown.
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