Hair care - the same thing you need, as well as facial and body treatments. Hair need special care for the reason that they are constantly exposed to stress: we dry the their hair dryer, comb with metal combs, different thermal to wind instruments, paint, often do not wear hats after such "brutal" procedures violated the hair structure, hair start falling out excessively, cut by the tips. To prevent these processes enough to give your hair a little more attention. After all, beauty recipes for hair very much. Here are just some of them.
- The easiest recipe for hair: use instead of shampoo egg yolk.
- Mash avocado with a slice of banana puree. Add the egg yolk. Apply on hair for 15 minutes.
-Hair loss can help the next phytotherapy: Take equal parts nettle leaves, succession, tri-colored strawberries and violets. Boil them and drink as tea. In the roots of the hair rub aloe, celandine and geraniums. In the hair mask, add the essential oils of ginger, cinnamon and pine.
- A mask for dry hair: Mix one tablespoon of burdock oil, egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of brandy. Apply on hair for 2-3 hours. Wash off with shampoo.
- Owners of very fine hair advice hair after shampooing pour the infusion of the flowers of tansy.
- Rinse for oily hair: two tablespoons of nettle, one tablespoon of calendula flowers, one tablespoon of oak bark mix. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and steep for 30 minutes. Apply after washing.
-Hair will become less salitsya, if you will wipe the field of cleaning head at the roots with a slice of lime. However, it is suitable for those who have blonde hair. And for the dark hair - use instead of rinse the tea brew.
- For the benefit of red hair rinse cranberry juice.
Mask for normal hair: mix nettle, chamomile and linden on a tablespoon. Pour the mixture boiled water and leave for half an hour. Strain. Add 2 drops of vitamins A and E, crumble crust of rye bread. After 15 minutes, put on hair. Wear insulated cap and rinse off the mask for 1.5 hours. After this time, rinse hair with running water.
-To strengthen the hair after each washing your hair rub in a basil infusion (tablespoon herbs in a glass of boiling water).
-For what would have been the hair strong, healthy and shiny, apply a hair ordinary mayonnaise as a mask. After 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with cool boiled water.
Beauty-hair regularly drink a decoction of the following: a cup of crushed oat flakes pour a liter of water, let it brew broth 12 hours, filter and drink during the day for half a cup.
- To protect hair from UV rays, mix equal parts of a protective cream to the hair with conditioner for hair, dilute with water, fill the bottle with cooking spray. From time to time to spray hair with this composition.
- If you use ready-made masks and balms for the hair, remember: it means you can not perederzhivat on the hair. From this hair cosmetic additives are transferred and become dull and cease to hold the volume. Keep your vehicle on the hair for as long as it is written on the package.
- The easiest recipe for hair: use instead of shampoo egg yolk.
- Mash avocado with a slice of banana puree. Add the egg yolk. Apply on hair for 15 minutes.
-Hair loss can help the next phytotherapy: Take equal parts nettle leaves, succession, tri-colored strawberries and violets. Boil them and drink as tea. In the roots of the hair rub aloe, celandine and geraniums. In the hair mask, add the essential oils of ginger, cinnamon and pine.
- A mask for dry hair: Mix one tablespoon of burdock oil, egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of brandy. Apply on hair for 2-3 hours. Wash off with shampoo.
- Owners of very fine hair advice hair after shampooing pour the infusion of the flowers of tansy.
- Rinse for oily hair: two tablespoons of nettle, one tablespoon of calendula flowers, one tablespoon of oak bark mix. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and steep for 30 minutes. Apply after washing.
-Hair will become less salitsya, if you will wipe the field of cleaning head at the roots with a slice of lime. However, it is suitable for those who have blonde hair. And for the dark hair - use instead of rinse the tea brew.
- For the benefit of red hair rinse cranberry juice.
Mask for normal hair: mix nettle, chamomile and linden on a tablespoon. Pour the mixture boiled water and leave for half an hour. Strain. Add 2 drops of vitamins A and E, crumble crust of rye bread. After 15 minutes, put on hair. Wear insulated cap and rinse off the mask for 1.5 hours. After this time, rinse hair with running water.
-To strengthen the hair after each washing your hair rub in a basil infusion (tablespoon herbs in a glass of boiling water).
-For what would have been the hair strong, healthy and shiny, apply a hair ordinary mayonnaise as a mask. After 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with cool boiled water.
Beauty-hair regularly drink a decoction of the following: a cup of crushed oat flakes pour a liter of water, let it brew broth 12 hours, filter and drink during the day for half a cup.
- To protect hair from UV rays, mix equal parts of a protective cream to the hair with conditioner for hair, dilute with water, fill the bottle with cooking spray. From time to time to spray hair with this composition.
- If you use ready-made masks and balms for the hair, remember: it means you can not perederzhivat on the hair. From this hair cosmetic additives are transferred and become dull and cease to hold the volume. Keep your vehicle on the hair for as long as it is written on the package.
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